Articles and excerpts from the Club








Hello Everyone.

Once again our contributors to the Newsletter have come up trumps. We have a full page Webley cartoon from Ke'reth this month. We have more Starfleet Regulations and a crossword puzzle to get you all thinking.

I was a bit disappointed at the turn out for the last meeting but I think that the Flu may have had something to do with it.

We have a new treasurer. It is our Bajoran Ambassador Madia Amme, otherwise known as Emma Hindle. Major Madia assures me that she has spent 6 months on Feringinar learning Economics. Apart from that, Emma is also married to an accountant, so the funds will be in safe hands. Talking of money matters - we are going to be running a savings club for those who would like to pay for their Ambassadors Ball Ticket on a monthly basis, to ease/spread the cost.

The Ball - Known as the Ambassadorial Ball and awards evening, will be held on Saturday 15th July 2000, at The Heathcourt Hotel, Newmarket. The Hotel is very Trekker friendly. It will start at 19.00 hrs (7pm) for an 20.00 hrs (8pm) sit down meal. This will be followed by a short awards ceremony - a light-hearted Commodores award to those who have helped the club become the success it is. We also have a Disco and a small musical ensemble to entertain during the meal and later for those who may not wish to be in the Disco.

We are hoping to get a celebrity guest - more details when confirmed.

Each ticket will cost £25.00 and your first payment of £5.00 this month, to the savings club will secure it for you, further payments of £5.00 each month, including June, will complete the payments.

We are also going to have a GIGANTIC raffle to raise fund for SARS (Suffolk Accident Rescue Service). It is not as well known as MAGPAS nor so well funded - leaflets are enclosed with this newsletter. We all travel on the roads and we never know when we might need them!!!

Our Next event will be Saturday, March 11th 2000, this is our street collection for Rethink Disability. Full Costume please as we will collect more money that way.

I also need some volunteers to help shift furniture at the Rethink Disability SHARE Day at Thurston Upper School on Saturday 15th April - Any Volunteers?

The April Meeting will be on Saturday 15th April 2000. When we will be celebrating Jeanettes 40th Birthday. Volunteers are needed please, to decorate the hall and provide food. The food list will be going round at the March meeting.

Has anyone got any ideas for things to do at meetings? All ideas considered.


We have five entries for the competition and they all make interesting reading. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

They will be posted on the walls at this months meeting for you to all to read and vote for the one you like the best. And soon will be published on the Website, winner first.

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Commodore Anarita Jat

P.S. The General had a recent encounter with the local Sickbay..... he was not amused!!! Ke'reth kindly supplied us with a picture! (see below)



There are currently three types of the basic mushroom design in use within the Federation. The Senator Class; like the huge Starbase One Complex located in geo-stationary orbit above San Francisco Bay, Earth, is the largest of the designs. The Defender Class is the most common and smallest of the designs used for the defence of Federation borders. The Guardian Class is a medium-sized, deep space facility.

Starbase 410 is the latest in a long run of the Guardian Class. A 6,000 (six thousand) metre - disc topped spire. It floats silently, spinning slowly in deep space, like an enormous child's spinning top. The red tinged glow of the nearby nebula - the Klingons called 'ram quI' (Night Fire) - reflects upon the surface as it turns. Set within the area called "The Triangle", the Starbase had been built to defend the area and help in the war with the 'Dominion'. The Starbase is totally self-sufficient and armed with the latest weapons technology, much of which is still highly classified. Suffice it to say, as a joint venture with the Klingon Empire, much trading of knowledge has gone into the construction of this particular Starbase. Starbase 410 has been up and running for eight months (Federation Standard Time).

The Commanding Officer is the recently promoted Commodore Anarita Jat, a Trill who worked Starfleet Intelligence and still gets called away, occasionally, on secret missions.

The First Officer is Captain T'Pina, a Vulcan who knows the rule book inside and out and keeps the Commodore on the straight and narrow.

Head of Security is K'SQqwa SuDs'qan'ya, a Klingon who joined Starfleet. He is accompanied by his bond mate beLuSbe, who is Head of Security at the Klingon Embassy.

The Klingon Ambassador is that old war-horse Ker'eth and his Chief of Staff is b'Sel, who is stationed there along with her three children.

The Bajoran Ambassador is Major Madia Amme, who had been in the Bajoran resistance.

Our Science Officer is Lt. John Borda (also known as 'Plan B'), who arrived in a most unusual way!

Ships on permanent attachment to the Starbase are the USS Rage, under the command of Captain Leigh Brown, and (as from last month) General LoDnI' has stationed his IKV Hegh qad for the general protection and defence of the Starbase and also as a base for the war with the 'Dominion'.

More about Starbase 410 and the crew next time.

Commodore Anarita Jat
Commanding Officer
Starbase 410


Commander T'Pina - First Officer Starbase 410.


Taking a break from my work, I sat at my desk and sipped my tea. I had acquired a taste for this unusual brown liquid during my time as an Instructor at Starfleet Academy on Earth. My quarters are plain and arranged as a complete unit consisting of an Office with living quarters behind. They are also located in an area of the Starbase, which, unfortunately for me, is easy for everyone to get to, but can hardly be described as a haven from the noise and chaos which was reigning supreme outside my door.

I looked around the room. It was not tidy. There were several crates and boxes piled either side of the door, waiting for their owners (from the nearby wrecking crew) to collect them. My desk had become hidden under a pile of requisition padds and delivery note flimsies. Most of the Klingon contingent requisitions had arrived. This was due, in part, to our proximity to the Klingon Empire. Klingon furniture, like Vulcan furniture, while functional, is not designed for comfort. There was a time, before my injuries (sustained at Wolf 359), when I would have appreciated the logic behind such discomfort. But now I appreciated my Earth designed ergonomic comfortable chair, which I was so glad that I had the forethought to bring with me.

Much of the Federation goods, furnishings and personnel were still on route and were constantly subject to delays; mostly due to skirmishes either with the Dominion or the Cardassians. Although the Starbase was designed to be totally self-sufficient, the replicators still required a basic supply of raw materials before they would be of any use, and the personnel shortages meant, that those of us that were here, had to juggle several different jobs; including me. While the Captain was away I had (to use a human phrase) ' to hold the fort'.

I decided to escape for a while, to see if I could find somewhere quiet.

My wanderings took me to the Academy Sector. A dimly lit, peaceful haven. I entered one of the tutorial rooms and sat on a crate. At last I was able to meditate in peace for a while.

Part of my duties, as First Officer, would be to oversee the training that would soon begin here. Starfleet had quickly come to realise that the standard Starfleet Academy Training, over several years, would not be appropriate in these troubled times. Starfleet needed many more trained personnel than the current Earth based Academy could turn out. So here it is the first Deep Space Starfleet Academy. The fast-track modular curriculum designed to turn out personnel capable of manning any Starship in combat. It is particularly aimed at those non-human Federation members who find the standard training tedious, slow and cumbersome. The additional resource of our own training Ship, the USS Westpoint, should satisfy any students' desire to put theory rapidly into practice.



2nd February Brent Spiner DATA (TNG)
8th February Ethan Philips Neelix (Voyager)
14th February Andrew Robinson Garak (DS9)
16th February Levar Burton Geordie La Forge (TNG)
21st February Kelsey Grammer Capt. Morgan Bateson (TNG)
22nd February Jeri Ryan 7 of 9 (Voyager)
23rd February Majel Barret-Roddenberry  
26th February Chase Masterson Leeta (DS9)


9th February Mark Swan Lieutenant
10th February John Borda Lieutenant
13th February John Borda Captain T'Pina
22nd February Rhys Evans Memo Cadet 2nd Class






Memo Cadet 3rd Class Cadet 2nd Class



    Sunday 20th February - 410 Club Meeting Saturday 11th March - Street Collection for Rethink Disabilty Sunday 19th March - 410 Club Meeting Sunday 9th April - Holiday Explorers Sponsored Walk, Needham Lakes Saturday 15th April - 40th Birthday Party for Jeanette Sunday 16th April - 410 Club Meeting Sunday 21st May - 410 Club Meeting Sunday 18th June - 410 Club Meeting Saturday 15th July - Ambassadorial Ball & Awards Evening
  • Friday 21st July - Hawaiian Disco, USS Lutonia

The Lives of Jat

Anturan Jat

Anturan Jat - died aged 62 after falling down stairs.
Great friend and confidant of Curzon Dax.

Anturan married young at 18 but his wife Jocata died in childbirth, the baby also died. Anturan threw himself into his work. He had been a teacher but after the deaths of his wife and child, he could not cope with working with children. So he joined the diplomatic corps and enrolled on the Trill Joining Commission. His first application to the Commission was turned down because it was felt to be too soon after his loss, and the Commission wanted him to take more time to think about it.

Two years later, still of the same mind, he applied again. This time he was accepted and underwent the four years of training required. After completing his training it was another year before he was given the Jat symbiont, when its previous host died.

It was noted that Anturan was very good at dealing with other races and species. He found himself becoming more involved with peace negotiations. He was able to see both sides of the story and yet maintain a balanced view, to eventually come to a peaceful solution. It was while working on negotiations with the Klingons that he met and became firm friends with Cuzon Dax. It is because of his affinity with the Klingon race that enabled his successor Anarita Jat to get on so well with them, and led to her becoming the Commanding Officer of Starbase 410, which is a joint venture between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Anturan was involved in some highly secret hostage negotiations between the Klingons and the Romulans, and it was the success of these that led to him being offered the order of the Batletlh by Kahless himself.

Anturan had one or two liaisons, but they were very brief, as no other woman could measure up to his Jocata. His love for her stayed with him until his death. He could drink Curzon under the table but was never the womaniser that Curzon was. He sometimes drank too heavily, when the loneliness got too much to bear. It was after such a bingem, that he fell down the stairs and broke his neck. He was, at last, re-united with his beloved wife and baby son.

The Jat symbiont was given, at Curzons' recommendation, to Anarita Tehamus who changed her surname to Jat to honour the symbiont.



nuqneH (Greetings), from the Empire.



Please keep your eyes peeled for the person in this photoscan. Rumours claim that Khe'jana Vor'el was heading towards Starbase 410, en route back to Klingon Space.

This image was provided by Colonel Kira Nerys.
Commander of Deep Space Nine, via the Bajoran Embassy

Infoburst :-

Name: Khe'jana Vor'el
A.k.a: Scarletta - The Scorpion
Race : Klingon/Terran fusion
Age. : 31 years (Standard)

Identifiable Marks:-
A scorpion tattooed on her back in red.
And a disruptor scar on her left wrist.



2361 - Became an assassin and currently has around 60 professional hits to her name. The first being - Kal Sherez. Andorian. Managing Director of Lanbeq Interstellar Trading Company. Found dead in a sidewalk Cafe, Paris, France, Earth.

2364 - Nerren Jarra. Romulan. Ex member of the Tal Shiar and pirate. Blown up with a grenade in a Shrybol City Hotel on Rigel IV.

2366 - Sarna Kopel. Orion Trader in Exotic Dancers & Slave Trader. She was found electrocuted after accessing a booby trapped power conduit.

2368 - Khayl Torneq. Klingon Ambassador to Altair II. Killed with a poisoned Bat'leth while defending himself.

2372 - Oran Pe'el, Bjoran member of the Vadek assembly. Shot dead at close range, in his bed

2374 - Otia Tian, Orcalian Minister of Offworld Trade. She was killed while bathing, by the use of Vartyic Acid. A substance which caused the water to boil within seconds of the acids introduction.

PLEASE NOTE: This woman is extremely dangerous. Starfleet Security Officers have expressed the opinion that, in this case, they would shoot to kill. If you see this woman, DO NOT approach her, notify Station Security immediately!

For my language lesson this month, I thought I'd discuss the 'muqaD veS' (it literally translates as Curse Warfare). In Curse Warfare Klingons will insult each other until, one or more of them, can no longer come up with an insult worse than the one before. The winners mouth should then be washed out with soap or Vulcan port. To the Klingon palate both taste alike anyway..... Try the following:-

But never on a Klingon, as the resulting broken limbs often offend more than the original insult. Remember the old Terrran saying about "sticks and stones"? Well if you insult a Klingon, they tend to use more lethal methods.

Denlbya' Qatlbra' You're a Denebian Slime Devil
pujra' 'ej lolaHbe' You're weak and worthless
qabil' puqpu' ghlj Your face would scare children
nachra' pub jaH Go boil your head
DaqoH mev boltaH Stop drooling, you fool

For the sake of our younger reader, I have omitted the exact translations of the following Curse Words. Let's just say that if you should hear a Klingon yelling these words at you - leaving the Station with alacrity is advised.....

taHqeq: toDSaH: petaQ: Ql'yaH: QoH: toruQ-DoH.

Before I sign off - here is a phrase for the younger reader.

DusaQ vumghach wij sopta' targwij - yuDHa'
(My Targ ate my homework - Honest!)

The Klingon Language Institute can be contacted at:
Another good Language site is:

It has been an honour to instruct you. Qapla'
Ke'reth zantai Makura
Ambassador - Klingon Embassy



Returning to the ship a transporter malfunction causes some of Sevens' nanoprobes to mix with the Doctor's mobile emitter and after sampling some DNA from Ensign Mulcahey a Borg Drone is produced.


Now I think it is well known that I am not one of 7 of 9's biggest fans, but I have to admit that this episode ranks as one of my favourites. This is largely due to the superb portrayal of One by J Paul Boehmer. I have watched this episode many times and never fail to cry at the last scene in sick bay.

The episode starts with seven trying out her smile in the cargo bay, and I loved it when the Doctor walked in without 'knocking' and she berated him for it. How often has 7 just walked in unannounced! As usual, I enjoyed Robert Picardo; his dry humour is a good foil for 7's aloof manner. I was a little concerned with the scene in the science lab where Mulcahey walks in and sees the Borg changes. We’re not talking naïve crewmembers here. They've been stuck out in the Delta Quadrant for over 4 years, surely he should’ve set alarm bells ringing straight away. It also concerned me that we never heard about him after this point or his reaction to being a "parent"

I thought Janeway kept within character by refusing to "pull the plug" on the Drone but I felt she came across as being a bit high and mighty with her comment to Seven, that "We succeeded, we’re going to pull the same trick again"

There are so many good scenes in this episode, I couldn't mention them all, so I've just picked my favourites.

Boehmer got into his character immediately and brought One across as childlike. I loved the scene where he is assimilating the knowledge in the Data nodes. You can see on his face that he is absorbing the knowledge and the way he alters his speech to demonstrate this. I liked the scene in Janeway's ready room, where he brings across that he so desperately wants to please, just like a child would, and Janeway's reaction to him.

I liked the Doctors' reaction when One says. he was a mistake and the EMH says, "it was a random convergence of technology." The best scene had to be in sick bay where he is dying and refuses to drop the force field so that the Doctor can treat him. Tears were already welling up at this point and as soon as 7 said "You're hurting me" and he replied "You will adapt" that was it, they started rolling down my face. Jeri Ryan was excellent in the last part of the scene where you see her just moving aimlessly around sick bay her hurt is actually palpable at this point.

Quote of the episode had to be B'Elanna "The Borg don't assimilate anymore they just show up and look helpless"

I'd give this episode a definite 9/10.